Lesson Plans & Worksheets: General

General, Page: 6

Showing 251 - 300 of 418 results

Prepositions of Position- Making Sentences TPR Game

Students put cards together to make actions with prepositions of location that their partners should do, including fun combinations like "Put your sock in front of your nose"

Prepositions of Position- Miming Games

Two fun students miming actions with particular positions games, including racing to do the right thing in the right place, and guessing what and where the other person's action is.

Prepositions of Position- Mix and Match

Students make silly and sensible sentences from cards with prepositions of location

Prepositions Stacking Game

Students make and follow instructions for how to stack things for fun active sit-down prepositions of location practice.

Prepositions with Reporting Verbs Activities

Four fun prepositions that collocate with verbs to report speech practice games, including pairs/ the memory game/ pelmanism, a faster card game of snap, and two storytelling tasks.

Present and past abilities dice games

Can, could, was able to and managed to speaking practice through five different dice games.

Present and Past Ability Bluff

Different past forms of can practice through a fun lying game.

Present and Past Ability- Sentence Completion Games

Three fun games to practise different past forms of can, including typical sentences to complete and a lying game, finding abilities students share, and guessing people's abilities.

Present Continuous and Prepositions Drawing Dice Game

Fun Present Progressive and prepositions of location practice by rolling a dice and drawing what comes up in the table, including funny combinations like "I'm walking under a red house".

Present Perfect and Simple Past- Small Talk

Have + PP and Past Simple in everyday conversation review, including presentation of the meaning, uses and typical time expressions of those two tenses, and typical small talk questions with classmates and people outside the classroom.

Present Perfect Simple and Progressive Questions

Realistic practice of Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simple by choosing good small talk questions and avoiding ones which are unsuitable, with optional freer speaking and grammar presentation.

Present Perfect Simple and Progressive small talk

Realistic oral practice of Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simple with common everyday conversational questions, including conversations with people who you know and with new contacts.

Present Progressive and Prepositions of Place- Mix and Match

Funny and sensible prepositions of position and Present Continuous matching activities.

Present Progressive- Small Talk

Present Continuous in normal everyday chat review for practice of realistic situations like talking to classmates and meeting foreign visitors, including contrasting present and future meanings, and Present Simple and Continuous.

Present Simple (Adverbs of Frequency) Completion Game

Present Simple with adverbs of frequency guessing game

Present Simple and Continuous- Discuss and Agree

Suggested vocabulary/ topics with which to discuss and write present tense opinions - good for intermediate students who still need Present Simple and Progressive practice.

Present Simple Chain Stories

A fun creative Present Simple speaking activity based on Consequences in which students take turns continuing a story of a typical day by completing the suggested sentences then folding the page, then compare how sensible or silly their stories are.

Present Simple Matchmakers Game

Students ask Present Simple questions to find out which of three jobs or countries most match their partner, possible with yes/ no and/ or wh- questions.

Present Simple Routines Information Gap

Students use Present Simple to try to find similarities between the routines of the people described on their worksheets, with optional Present Simple suggested questions and clues to help.

Present Simple Sentence Completion Bluff

Students complete typical Present Simple sentences with a mix of true and made-up information, then try to guess which of their partner's sentences are true, including typical key words with Present Simple.

Present Simple Taboo Questions Game

Students classify, ask, answer and write Present Simple questions which are and aren't suitable for everyday conversation, then discuss what topics are generally good and bad.

Present Simple- Ask and Tell Game

A fun Present Simple personal questions coin game based on truth or dare in which students might have to answer their own questions, with useful language for talking about routines and Present Simple question stems.

Present Simple- Guess Who Game

Guessing which of six people your partner chose by asking easy Present Simple questions about their family, appearance, habits, etc.

Present Simple- Personalised Board Game

Speaking game in which students move around a board without a dice by making as many true Present Simple statements about their partner as they can about the word/ topic of the square they are on.

Present Simple- Third Person Guessing Game

Present Simple with final -s speaking games, first guessing the person and then brainstorming descriptions, with useful vocabulary for describing people with Present Simple.

Proverbs Bluff

Making up false meanings of proverbs bluffing game

Questions with can dice games

Yes/ No questions with can speaking game

Ranking Weak and Strong Opinion Phrases

Working out which opinions phrases are stronger, including strong and weak agreeing and disagreeing.

Recommendations and Invitations for Visitors

Places for foreign visitors to go to speaking.

Recommendations with Superlative Adjectives

Adjectives with most and -est and the language of recommendations oral practice, including how to form superlatives and how to respond to recommendations.

Regular and Irregular Plurals Storytelling

Using irregular plural nouns and regular plural nouns to tell stories.

Reported Questions Games

Two fun reported questions speaking games, starting with small talk and with a grammar presentation in between.

Reported Speech Discussion Questions

Conversation questions for free speaking practice of indirect speech, including both personal questions and opinion questions.

Reported Speech Memory Challenge

Students try to remember and report back a conversation that their partner really had - good for controlled communicative practice, personalisation, and students getting to know each other.

Reported Speech- Bluffing Game

A lying game for fun oral practice of indirect speech, with an optional grammar presentation, with suggested typical conversations to report.

Reported Speech- Extended Speaking

Mini-presentations for indirect speech free speaking practice, with suggested presentation topics and suggested follow-up questions for the people listening.

Reported Speech- Same or Different

Typical confusions with reported speech review through labelling diffences in meaning and synonyms, including backshift and no backshift, and different reporting verbs.

Reporting Verbs- the Same or Different

Verbs for reporting speech with the same and different meaning, including common mistakes with reporting verbs.

Requests & Enquiries Board Game

A fun dealing with requests and questions controlled practice speaking game in which students move around the board by making phrases more and more polite/ formal.

Requests & Responses- Games

How to respond to requests practice activities

Responding to Requests- Politeness Completion Game

Positive and negative answers to requests practice, including more polite responses

Sc spelling and pronunciation activities

Sc with pronounced C and silent C practice, starting with a quick reactions game, with contrasts to words with SK and S, homophones, and silent letters.

Second conditional movies discussion

Discussing films with if + past simple, would

Sentences with "in case"- Discuss and Agree

Talking about precautions with "in case" speaking practice, including suggested topics and sentence stems.
Showing 251 - 300 of 418 results
