Topic: Prepositions

How to teach like as a preposition

Category: English Grammar Topic: Prepositions
How to teach the preposition "like", including like as a preposition games

How to teach like and be like

Category: English Grammar Topic: Prepositions
How to teach like as a verb and like as a preposition together

How to teach like, be like and look like

Category: English Grammar Topic: Prepositions
How to teach like as a verb and as a preposition with look and be - including like, be like and look like games

How to teach prepositions of time

Category: English Grammar Topic: Prepositions
Teaching tips and classroom games and activities for time expressions with at, in, on, no preposition etc

Navigating Classroom Objects with Prepositions: A Lesson Plan

Category: English Grammar Topic: Prepositions
A lesson plan for English language teachers to teach young learners how to identify the location of objects in a classroom using prepositions.
