Language Variation Quiz: Preposition 'Up'

Quiz for Verb: 'To up'

Choose the correct definition for each phrasal verb...

'Hutch up' - Share accommodation with a number of people because of the high rent

'Muddle up' - Mistake a person or thing for someone or something else because they look similar

'Burn up' - To be or cause to be highly annoyed

'Train up' - Teach someone the specific skills they will need to carry out a job or task

'Wash up' - Wash face and hands

'Snaffle up' - Consume, take, buy something other people may want

'Hit up' - Ask someone for some money

'Stuff up' - Make a mistake, do badly, spoil

'Ball up' - Confuse or make things complicated

'Tie up' - Block a road, etc

