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Off-hand means without preparation. People say that they don't know the answer off-hand, meaning that they don't know it at that time.

Off colour
If someone looks off colour/color, they look ill.

Off the wall
Something that is off the wall is unconventional.

Off the cuff
If you do something off the cuff, you do it without any preparation.

Off the hook
If someone is off the hook, they have avoided punishment or criticism for something they have done.

Off your rocker
Someone who is off their rocker is crazy.

A one-off event only happens once and will not be repeated.

Fly off the handle
If someone flies off the handle, they get very angry.

In the offing
If something is in the offing, it is very likely to happen soon.

Water off a duck's back
If criticism or something similar is like water off a duck's back to somebody, they aren't affected by it in the slightest.

Work your socks off
If you work your socks off, you work very hard.

Fat of the land
Living off the fat of the land means having the best of everything in life.

On the right foot
If you start something or set off on the right foot, you get off to a good start.

Red tape
This is a negative term for the official paperwork and bureaucracy that we have to deal with.

Throw a sickie
If you pretend to be ill to take a day off work or school, you throw a sickie.

Make a pitch
If you make a pitch for something, you make a bid, offer or other attempt to get it.

Smart Alec
A smart Alec is a conceited person who likes to show off how clever and knowledgeable they are.

I hereby give notice of my intention
Hereby is used sometimes in formal, official declarations and statements to give greater force to the speaker' or the writer's affirmation. People will say it sometimes to emphasise their sincerity and correctness.

On the map
If a place becomes widely known, it is put on the map. A place that remains unknown is off the map.

AWOL stands for "Absent Without Leave", or "Absent Without Official Leave". Orignially a military term, it is used when someone has gone missing without telling anyone or asking for permission.

All the tea in China
If someone won't do something for all the tea in China, they won't do it no matter how much money they are offered.

Daylight robbery
If you are overcharged or underpaid, it is a daylight robbery; open, unfair and hard to prevent. Rip-off has a similar meaning.

For the time being
For the time being indicates that an action or state will continue into the future, but is temporary. I'm sharing an office for the time being.

Walk on eggshells
If you have to walk on eggshells when with someone, you have to be very careful because they get angry or offended very easily.('Walk on eggs' is also used.) 

Turn the other cheek
If you turn the other cheek, you are humble and do not retaliate or get outwardly angry when someone offends or hurts you, in fact, you give them the opportunity to re-offend instead and compound their unpleasantness.


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