Search Results for 'off'

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Off on one
If someone goes off on one, they get extremely angry indeed.

Off the record
Something off the record is said in confidence because the speaker doesn't want it attributed to them, especially when talking to the media.

Off your guard
If you catch someone off their guard, they  are not ready or prepared when you do or say something.('Take somoene off their guard' is also used.)

Good offices
Good offices is help and support, especially in mediating  in a dispute.

Browned off
To be tired of or fed up with

Take your hat off
If you say that you take your hat off to someone, you are showing your respect or admiration.

Talk your arm off
Someone who talks so much that it is a strain to listen can talk your arm off.

Take the edge off
To reduce the effect of something, usually something unpleasant.

A slice off a cut loaf is never missed
Used colloquially to describe having sexual intercourse with someone who is not a virgin, especially when they are in a relationship. The analogy refers to a loaf of bread; it is not readily apparent, once the end has been removed, exactly how many slices have been taken.('You never miss a...

Easy as falling off a log
Something very easy or simple to do is as easy as falling off a log.

Talk the legs off an iron pot
Somebody who is excessively talkative or is especially convincing is said to talk the legs off an iron pot. ('Talk the legs off an iron chair' is also used)

Knock your block off
To punch someone in the face Eg : The next time you do something like that I'm going to "knock your block off".

Wouldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding
If something isn't powerful: This bus wouldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding.

That and 50 cents will buy you a cup of coffee
This is used to describe something that is deemed worthless. "He's got a Ph.D. in Philosophy." "So? That and 50 cents will buy you a cup of coffee."

Deer in the headlights
When one is caught offguard and needs to make a decision, but cannot react quickly.

Do a Lord Lucan
If someone disappears without a trace or runs off, they do a Lord Lucan.  (Lord Lucan disappeared after a murder)

Armchair quarterback
An armchair quarterback is someone who offers advice, especially about football, but never shows that they could actually do any better.

Pastoral care
This is used in education to describe the aspect of care offered to pupils that cover things besides learning.

Sharpen your pencil
If someone says this when negotiating, they want the other person to make a better offer, a lower price.

Lay on the table
This phrase occurs in the official records of meetings or deliberations of various government bodies. If a proposal or motion is laid on the table, it is essentially a euphemism, meaning that "nothing further will be done in this matter" or "we are not going to do anything about this"...

On the carpet
When you are called to the bosses office (since supposedly, they are the only ones who have carpet) and its definitely not for a good reason, i.e., you are in trouble, something has not gone according to plan and either maybe you are responsible and/or have some explaining to do.

Give someone the axe
If you give someone the axe, you terminate their employment or discharge them from an office or position.('Ax' is the American spelling)

Fall on stony ground
If an idea or plan falls on stony ground, it is received negatively by people in positions of power or fails to  take off.

Lose your gourd
If someone has lost the gourd, they are out of the mind or have gone crazy- "gourd" is a melon-like plant that symbolizes a person's head. ("Out of your gourd" and "Off your gourd" are also used.)

Enough to cobble dogs with
A large surplus of anything: We've got enough coffee to cobble dogs with. Possible explanations: A cobblestone is a cut stone with a curved surface. These were set together to create road surfaces, in the days before the widespread use of asphalt. The image the phrase contains is that, even...


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