May 2012 Archives

Forum Policies- Clone of banned user

By Tdol on May 27, 2012 | | 4 Comments

A number of posts have been deleted in the last few days because they are cloned accounts of a banned user.  We're slow to ban members of the forum, but once we ban someone, the ban stays in place and any subsequent accounts that person makes will also be banned.  We have two particularly persistent cases that keep coming back.  They are different from regular trolls, who come back in hidden guises to try to start trouble.

Continue reading Forum Policies- Clone of banned user.

Forum Policies- Writing Correction

By Tdol on May 16, 2012 | | 4 Comments

We have a section in our forum for writing.  People can submit writing and people may make corrections or comments.

Continue reading Forum Policies- Writing Correction.