October 2011 Archives


By Tdol on Oct 17, 2011 | | 6 Comments

I had a look at the Grammarly automated proofreader and personal grammar coach that claims to be the world's most accurate grammar checker, presumably in the automated category.  The bad news is that those who want to post any text and expect it to be turned into  perfect English will still have to wait for science fiction to become reality, but the good news is that it could be a very useful tool.

Continue reading Grammarly.

Do not might one's understand to speak

By Tdol on Oct 4, 2011 | | 1 Comments

The title comes from Pedro Carolino's English as She is Spoke (1883), an accidental classic that is meant to be an English phrasebook and conversational guide, but as the author couldn't speak much, or any, English, he created a garbled translation of a Portuguese-French phrasebook that has a charm in its ridiculousness.

Continue reading Do not might one's understand to speak.