August 2011 Archives

Forum Policies- The Revenger's Tragedy

By Tdol on Aug 31, 2011 | | 0 Comments

In the Jacobean play The Revenger's Tragedy, the central figure, Vindice or Vendice, starts out as someone who has suffered injustice-  the murder of his love, but soon the play descends into a bloodbath where the victim has so exceeded any offence that he has become worse than the wrong he set out to right, only far worse.  It seems appropriate for the forum context that there are different spellings of the protagonist's name, and doubt about the identity of the author.

Continue reading Forum Policies- The Revenger's Tragedy.

The grim reaper

By Tdol on Aug 2, 2011 | | 2 Comments

Last year I culled about 500 dead links from our database, but this year the total was lower- 231, just under ten percent.  This doesn't include inactive sites like blogs, just sites or pages that  have disappeared, and will include some sites that were unavailable when checked but still exist.

Continue reading The grim reaper.