March 2011 Archives

Forum Policies- Astroturfing

By Tdol on Mar 31, 2011 | | 0 Comments

People who try to use the forum simply to promote sites, even ESL and language sites, may find their posts get deleted and their accounts closed.   If people with sites to promote that are relevant contribute to the forum, that is fair play and we will leave the links, as long as they are not excessive.  The forum is a place for discussing language and not a free advertising platform, and if people engage with other people posting, answer questions, participate in discussions and include a link, then that seems fair enough.

Continue reading Forum Policies- Astroturfing.

Direct Method

By Tdol on Mar 7, 2011 | | 4 Comments

I have been taking a Japanese course that is taught through the direct method or the audio-lingual method.   We spend our time on decontextualised drills focusing on a grammatical or lexical item, building up sentences of increasing complexity and surreality.

Continue reading Direct Method.