August 2007 Archives


By Tdol on Aug 14, 2007 | | 7 Comments

The idioms section has had a display problem recently, with some html code appearing, so people may have seen entries with same strange bits using < >. Sorry for this; I have been going through and removing them.

Continue reading Idioms.

More brilliance in Corpus Linguistics

By Tdol on Aug 3, 2007 | | 2 Comments

Professor Mark Davies of the Brigham Young University set up a superb site to access the British National Corpus (BNC). Easy to use, fast, packed with features and intuitive, it is by far the best concordancer on the web in my opinion.

Continue reading More brilliance in Corpus Linguistics.

The Professional Association of Teachers

By Tdol on Aug 1, 2007 | | 1 Comments

They are definitely firing on all cylinders at the Professional Association of Teachers (PAT) conference this year. A motion was put forward yesterday that

deplores the very real problem of cyber bullying in schools and demands the closure of sites encouraging such behaviour

Continue reading The Professional Association of Teachers.