July 2007 Archives

Simplified Spelling

By Tdol on Jul 23, 2007 | | 4 Comments

The Simplified Spelling Society recently had a discussion with Professor Vivian Cook about whether English spelling should be simplified. English spelling is chaotic, but I found the society's arguments weak.

Continue reading Simplified Spelling.

Crash and burn

By Tdol on Jul 4, 2007 | | 0 Comments

Though the term information superhighway seems to have been consigned to history, the internet, in many ways, resembles a demolition derby more than a sleek road. Every year I clear out the dead links from our ESL links database; even though we add a new link most days, we now how forty fewer links than we did at the start of the year.

Continue reading Crash and burn.

Interactive whiteboards

By Tdol on Jul 2, 2007 | | 0 Comments

Interactive whiteboards, heralded as a breakthrough in teaching, have come under fire as possible risks to eyesight. While the claims that TV and computer screens would ruin people's eyesight have largely not been shown to be the case, it is possible that there is a risk here.

Continue reading Interactive whiteboards.