April 2007 Archives

ESL, EFL & ESOL Blogging

By Tdol on Apr 26, 2007 | | 0 Comments

A few years ago, many ESL bloggers were claiming that blogging was going to change the face of ESL on the web. I always thought that these claims were excessive; many bloggers were coming into IT without many technical skills and were evangelical about what they could do without understanding the ideas behind Web 2.0 or what was happening on the web already.

Continue reading ESL, EFL & ESOL Blogging.

ESOL Provision for Asylum Seekers in the UK

By Tdol on Apr 15, 2007 | | 0 Comments

Bill Rammell, the minister for lifelong learning, further and higher education, argues that the withdrawal of funding for asylum seekers over the age of 19 is fair because almost 80% of claims are settled in eight weeks. He says that most reasonable people would support this, especially as over half the claims are unsuccessful.

Continue reading ESOL Provision for Asylum Seekers in the UK.