January 2007 Archives


By Tdol on Jan 31, 2007 | | 4 Comments

The differences between American and British spelling are minor. We have contributors from a number of backgrounds and we do not standardise spelling.

Continue reading Spelling.

Non-Gender Specific Pronouns

By Tdol on Jan 31, 2007 | | 2 Comments

Language usage is something that people feel very strongly about, and we do get many emails about certain issues, so I am going to lay out the site's language policies on some issues here so that users know where they stand.

Continue reading Non-Gender Specific Pronouns.

ESL & EFL Blacklists

By Tdol on Jan 24, 2007 | | 4 Comments

The TEFL Blacklist, set up by Sandy of TeflTrade, has been taken over by someone known as Inspector McHammered of the Lard, who has re-invigorated the site.

Continue reading ESL & EFL Blacklists.