October 2004 Archives


By Tdol on Oct 31, 2004 | | 0 Comments

We have started working on an idioms section. Any suggestions for idioms would be very welcome. At the moment, it is just a database we are working on, but it will turn into something much more comprehensive in time.

I am overpaid

By Tdol on Oct 10, 2004 | | 2 Comments

Poll- How would you interpret 'You are overpaid £...'?

I received a letter from the taxman informing me that 'I was overpaid' by a certain amount. On the back there was an itemised statement ending with the amount due. My initial interpretation was that I had been overpaid and owed them something.

Continue reading I am overpaid.

Don't get by; get on

By Tdol on Oct 4, 2004 | | 0 Comments

The Department for Education and Skills' materials for the ESOL Adult Core Curriculum are a depressing example of how not to do something. I have been given the materials for Levels 1 & 2. My Level 1 students last year were able to take the UCLES Cambridge First Certificate exam. This year where I am currently working, the exam is to be replaced by the Level 1 exam from Edexcel.

Continue reading Don't get by; get on.