May 2004 Archives

Meaningless Signs

By Tdol on May 31, 2004 | | 0 Comments

I do find that signs with grammatical mistakes annoy me, as do those which are garbled and incoherent. Signs normally only contain a few words, so it is surely worth checking them before they are printed.

Continue reading Meaningless Signs.


By Tdol on May 23, 2004 | | 1 Comments

I have seen questions raised about the correct name for the symbol @ many times, often suggesting that it has no name:

Email, with its address template, is virtually universal. Nevertheless, the @ that unequivocally marks it as an email address has no generally accepted English name. (Julian Burnside)

Continue reading @.

Articles and Quizzes

By Tdol on May 18, 2004 | | 1 Comments

We have been trying to link up Articles and Quizzes a bit, so that the two areas complement each other.

Continue reading Articles and Quizzes.