Speaking Activities That Don't Suck

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I have English Teacher X's obra prima to read next and have enjoyed the other ebooks - they include a lot of sensible and realistic advice - but I didn't enjoy Speaking Activities that Don't Suck as much.

ETX starts from a very low level of expectation- he began in 1995 in Asia and says most teachers got through their lessons by reading from the book or talking about their lives. I started over a decade earlier in Europe and this would not have been accepted then- ETX's description of accommodation and conditions rang true.

I have since lived in SE Asia and seen how things are, but this book is not universal. It may help a beginner teacher, but an experienced teacher might find more in the other books.

Categories: Asian Blog


Engleski jezik

I agree!

Many people tough can read and write English but fail to speak perfect English,they should practice speaking English.Till now i have been using YouTube to practice English.Practicing speaking can help us much faster.

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