Google as a Language Tool 2

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I searched for "as if" - 8,170,000 and "as though"- 1,500,000. What does this show?

First of all, it shows that they are both correct as they have a high frequency. It also suggests that one is much more common that the other.

Does this have any implications for teaching the forms?

Categories: General


"As whether"- 228,000

I looked for �however� and it gave me 64,100,000, and some of these 64,100,000 examples were absolutely brilliant, hence I recon that the internet is a fast, cheap and very interesting means of learning language.

It's an excellent instant source of examples, but it does have some limitations- it's not very reliable for spoken English, as mopst is written, so it doen't cover all bases. ;-)

I bet quite a lot of those examples were useless, as well. It's a good tool for throwing stuff up, however.

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