Poll: Who on ____ could have done it?

Who on ____ could have done it?

Either could be used.

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This Poll:

  • Votes: 474
  • Comments: 4
  • Added: April 2008





I feel either can be used. The emphasis of the statement is a common ground (how apt) between all of humanity. We all live on Earth, and to (I suppose) a lesser, yet still great, extent we all live on soil/ground/earth aswell.


we all know that EARTH is the only planet with living creatures....it is unique..nothing can replace it.In my perspective it should always be indicated with upper case letters...


I like the AP style rule that Earth with a capital E is reserved for reference to the planet in the solar system. Earth with a lower-case e belongs in idioms, such as "Who on earth ...?" and "What on earth?"

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