Pronunciation- Syllable Stress ESL Worksheet

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ESL Worksheet: Pronunciation- Syllable Stress

Instructions: Which syllable is normally stressed?

Q1 - Photographer
The first syllable
The second syllable
The third syllable
The fourth syllable
Q2 - Autograph
The first syllable
The second syllable
The third syllable
Q3 - Necessary
The first syllable
The second syllable
The third syllable
The fourth syllable
Q4 - Authority
The first syllable
The second syllable
The third syllable
The fourth syllable
Q5 - Humility
The first syllable
The second syllable
The third syllable
The fourth syllable
Q6 - Theatrical
The first syllable
The second syllable
The third syllable
The fourth syllable
Q7 - Theatricality
The first syllable
The second syllable
The third syllable
The fourth syllable
The fifth syllable
Q8 - Politics
The first syllable
The second syllable
The third syllable
Q9 - Empathize
The first syllable
The second syllable
The third syllable
Q10 - Adaptable
The first syllable
The second syllable
The third syllable
The fourth syllable

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