She's = is or has? ESL Worksheet

To access this worksheet as an online activity, view our 'She's = is or has?' exercise.

ESL Worksheet: She's = is or has?

Instructions: Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - She's interested in the idea
She's = she is
She's = she has
Q2 - There's a problem.
There's = there is
There's = there has
Q3 - He's gone to the shops.
He's = he is
He's = he has
Q4 - It's over.
It's = it is
It's = it has
Q5 - She's finished the project.
She's = she is
She's = she has
Q6 - There's been an accident outside.
There's = there is
There's = there has
Q7 - It's too late to call her now.
It's = it is
It's = it has
Q8 - It's taken me hours so far.
It's = it is
It's = it has
Q9 - He's coming tonight.
He's = he is
He's = he has
Q10 - She's been working here for years.
She's = she is
She's = she has
Q11 - There's nothing left.
There's = There is
There's = There has

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