Past Simple or Past Perfect? ESL Worksheet

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ESL Worksheet: Past Simple or Past Perfect?

Instructions: Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - By the time we ____, everyone had left.
had arrived
Q2 - I _____ a long time ago.
had finshed
Either could be used here.
Q3 - By that time, everybody ____ exhausted.
had been
Either could be used here.
Q4 - She told me she ____ it ages ago.
had done
Either could be used here.
Q5 - I ____ of it until you mentioned it.
didn't hear
hadn't heard
Q6 - I ____ enough time to finish the exam.
didn't have
hadn't had
Either could be used here.
Q7 - If I ____, I'd have helped.
had known
Either could be used here.
Q8 - If I ____, I'd tell you.
had known
Either could be used here.
Q9 - No sooner ____ than I realised what was going on.
did I arrive
had I arrived
Either could be used here.
Q10 - Until last month, I _____ it before.
didn't try
hadn't tried

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