

Past Perfect
For actions that happened before related past events or When she arrived, all the tickets had gone. eg: I'd never heard of it until last week. This used to be the pluperfect, but the term is not used nowadays.
Past Perfect Progressive (Past Perfect Continuous)
The Past Perfect Progressive is used for actions that were unfinished when another action, etc, took place:I had been living there for years before I got married.  Some books use the term Past Perfect Progressive, and others use Past Perfect Continuous.
1/ Past Perfect2/ Present Perfect3/ Future Perfect4/ Conditional Perfect
Continuous Verbs
1/ Present Continuous2/ Past Continuous3/ Present Perfect Continuous4/ Past Perfect Continuous5/ Future Continuous6/ Future Perfect Continuous
Mixed Conditionals
i) Third Second Mixed Conditionals If + Past Perfect, + Would + Base Form1/ For imaginary present actions or situations that are not possible because the necessary conditions were not met in the past. eg: If you had taken the course, you would know about it. (The conditions were not...
Past Participles
A) The Past Participle is used for all perfect forms of the verb: 1 Present Perfect  eg: I have taken   2 Past Perfect  eg: I had taken   3 Future Perfect  eg: I will have taken   4 Conditional Perfect or the 3rd Conditional  eg: I would have taken...
There are a number of structures in English that are called the conditionals which are used to talk about possible or imaginary situations. A "Condition" is a "situation or circumstance". For example: IF a certain condition is true, THEN a particular result happens. Follow the links below for definitions of each type of...

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