You need to be delicate(,) because the latest laptops are very sensitive.

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Jan 22, 2015
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You need to be delicate(,) because the latest laptops are very sensitive.

Hello! I'd like to ask you if you think the comma is to be put in or left out. I admit having tried to find some advice somewhere else in the net, but I'm still in doubt.
I can't understand which the difference in meaning is , or how the meaning changes according to the fact that there's the comma or not. The sentence is just a suggestion to someone about the use of a modern laptop: don't press strongly, just press lightly on the touch screen, which is very sensitive.
I really appreciate your help! Thank you so much!
I'd use a comma there. The presence or absence of a comma makes no difference to the meaning, dewedfrost.
I don't think of a person per se as "delicate" as your post suggests. Rather, I would use "....need to handle delicately".
I don't think of a person per se as "delicate" as your post suggests. Rather, I would use "....need to handle delicately".
Right—delicate is not right there. You mean to say gentle, dewedfrost.
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