You don't want off without telling me


Feb 4, 2014
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What does "want off" mean?

In the movie 'US', Adelaide Thomas goes to a beach with her family and her son goes missing just for a few minutes. Later on when she finds her she says "You don't want off without telling me". What does 'want off' mean?
You probably misheard that. "You don't run off without telling me" would make sense there.
That's also possible, but it's two syllables, suggesting that @tufguy misheard that even moreso than I suspected. 😊 Also, if you're going to wander off wouldn't you do it without telling anybody? 😊
I don't know the film but if the phrase started with a "w" then I would opt for "wander off". If spoken quickly by an angry mother it would come out sounding like "wand roff"
What does "want off" mean?

In the movie 'US', Adelaide Thomas goes to a beach with her family and her son goes missing just for a few minutes. Later on, when she finds her him, she says "You don't want off without telling me".

What does 'want off' mean?
Why have you repeated the question "What does 'want off' mean?"? Not only did you write it twice in your post, it was originally your title. You have definitely been on this forum long enough to know that titles must be unique, relevant only to your thread and include some/all of the words in the sentence you're asking us to look at. It's becoming really tiresome to tell you the same things over and over again!
Sorry EMS for my mistakes. Yes, I think I misheard that. It probably was "wander off". Thank you guys for your replies.

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