Writing diary (English learning)

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Apr 12, 2021
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Hi everyone,

I have registered on this forum because I want to improve my English. The main reason for that is I must to have a language certificate (level B2) if I want to continue my academic career. I thought yesterday that if I want to progress fast in this matter, I must write everyday in English, using as much tenses as I could use, because only through regularly practise I will be fluent in English someday. So, starting from today, I'm going to write in this topic day after day, treating it like some kind of diary, only with the difference that I'll be share only there personal details from my life, which I will recognize worth of it.

Thank you for all your advices, correcting mistakes and help.
Hi, everyone.

I have registered on this forum because I want to improve my English. The main reason [STRIKE]for that[/STRIKE] is that I must [STRIKE]to[/STRIKE] have a language certificate (level B2) if I want to continue my academic career. I thought yesterday that if I want to progress fast [STRIKE]in this matter[/STRIKE], I must write [STRIKE]everyday[/STRIKE] every day in English, using as [STRIKE]much[/STRIKE] many tenses as [STRIKE]I could use[/STRIKE] possible, because only through [STRIKE]regularly[/STRIKE] regular [STRIKE]practise[/STRIKE] practice will I [STRIKE]will[/STRIKE] become fluent [STRIKE]in English[/STRIKE] someday. So, starting from today, I'm going to write [STRIKE]in this topic[/STRIKE] on this forum [STRIKE]day after[/STRIKE] every day, treating it like some kind of diary, [STRIKE]only with[/STRIKE] the only difference being that I'll be sharing only [STRIKE]there[/STRIKE] the personal details [STRIKE]from[/STRIKE] of my life no comma here [STRIKE]which[/STRIKE] that I [STRIKE]will recognize[/STRIKE] consider worthy of [STRIKE]it[/STRIKE] including.

Thank you for all your [STRIKE]advices[/STRIKE] advice and help, and for correcting my mistakes. [STRIKE]and help.[/STRIKE]

Welcome to the forum. :hi:

Please note my corrections above. We look forward to reading your daily diary entry. Please make sure you don't make them too long - the length of your original post is just about the right length.
I would advise you not to make an effort to use as many tenses as possible. If you do, your writing will almost certainly be unnatural. Try instead to write about things and activities that interest you, and use the tenses you think are appropriate.
Hi mdzugaj,

Welcome to the forum.

May I know what "language certificate with a level B2" is about? What level of education are you at and what do you aim to get into? Perhaps my questions would get you to have more practice in your writing.

thank you for your question. You're right. Because of you questions, I have more practise in my writing, but I'm glad you asked.

Generally speaking, level B2 in language means that you understand not only main threads in texts or discussions, but also you're able to formulate understable and detailed opinions on various topics, especially the ones which are the subject of your speciality.

You also asked about the level of my education. I have a master's degree and now I'm strugglig on PhD. I need this certificate to got doctorate.

Thank you for your question. You're right. Because of you questions, I can have more practice in [STRIKE]my[/STRIKE] writing, [STRIKE]but[/STRIKE] so I'm glad you asked.

Generally speaking, "level B2 in language" means that you understand not only main threads in texts or discussions, but also you're able to formulate understandable and detailed opinions on various topics, especially the ones which are the subject of your speciality.

You also asked about the level of my education. I have a master's degree and now I'm struggling on getting a place to do my PhD. I need this certificate to [STRIKE]got[/STRIKE] get a doctorate.

I presume that is an internal exam of the university you are studying in. As far as I know, the universities in Malaysia ( I am from Malaysia too) only require students to fulfill the English language requirements (MUET, IELTS, etc) before they get accepted into undergraduate courses, but not postgraduate courses.

What field of study are you pursuing?
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I'm study philosophy. I'm interested in German philosophy, especially Nietzsche's thought.

Today I woke up at six am. The first thing I did after get out of bed is to got dressed. After that, I went to the kitchen and started preparig myself a breakfast and boiled water on tea, Then, I got back to my room and sat down at my desk. I opened the book about English grammar and started learning. Sometimes I don't gave energy in the mornings, but I force myself to learn hard every day because only this way will lead me to achieve the most important goal for me at the moment, which is became fluent in English.
I[STRIKE]'m [/STRIKE]study philosophy. I'm interested in German philosophy, especially Nietzsche's thoughts.

Today I woke up at six am. The first thing I did after getting out of bed is to [STRIKE]got[/STRIKE] get dressed. After that, I went to the kitchen and started preparing myself[STRIKE] a[/STRIKE] breakfast and boiled water [STRIKE]on[/STRIKE] to make tea, Then, I got back to my room and sat down at my desk. I opened the book[STRIKE] about[/STRIKE] on English grammar and started learning (studying). Sometimes I don't have energy in the morning[STRIKE]s[/STRIKE], but I force myself to learn (study) hard every day because only through/in this way will [STRIKE]lead me to[/STRIKE] I achieve the most important goal for me at the moment, which is [STRIKE]became[/STRIKE] becoming/to become fluent in English.

Sorry, I was mistaken about your country of origin.
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I'm interested in German philosophy, especially Nietzsche's thought.

This happens to be an area that I too have great interest in and considerable familiarity with. I don't envy the fact that you have to write on such a subject in a second language—this is difficult enough for me as a native speaker and teacher of academic writing.

Remember that the kind of English you'll need to do your doctorate is very different from the kind you need for everyday life. Would you like to practise by outlining the focus area of your doctorate? I'll be happy to guide you in your academic style and use of technical terms.

thank you for your post.

Fortunately, I don't have to write on such a subject in a second language. Nietzsche wrote somewhere that English isn't a language of philosophers and I agree with him to a certain point, at least if we speak about German philosophy. It is hard to write about Hegel's dialectic or Schelling's pantheism in language which is quite simple and don't like complex/long sentences. I will be writing in Polish, which isn't hard to me because I'm a Polish man.

If I want to get a certificate I need a language which is used in every day life. In tests you don't have academic topics but rather the pieces of texts from newspaper or popular books. You also must pass a speaking part of an exam, where you have to speak about you every day life. But, answering to your question, I'll be happy if you guide me in my academic style because I need this capacity too if I want to accomplish something in today's academic world.

If I may ask, why you're so interested in Nietzsche/German philosophy?
I feel a little bit tired today and to be honest, I don't have much motivation to write in English but I have made promise to myself that I will be writing in English day after day to became more fluent. Couple minutes ago I have watched a trailer to film called "Nobody". At the beginning of this trailer there was an information that "Nobody" was directed by the same director who also created "John Wick". "John Wick" is one of the bestr revenge-films which I have seen, so I can't wait to see "Nobody".
I feel a little bit tired today and, to be honest, I don't have much motivation to write in English but I [STRIKE]have[/STRIKE] made a promise to myself that I will [STRIKE]be writing[/STRIKE] write something in English [STRIKE]day after[/STRIKE] every day in order to become more fluent.

A couple of minutes ago, I [STRIKE]have[/STRIKE] watched a trailer [STRIKE]to[/STRIKE] for a film called "Nobody". At the beginning of this trailer, [STRIKE]there was an information[/STRIKE] I noticed that "Nobody" was directed by the same director [STRIKE]who also created[/STRIKE] as "John Wick". "John Wick" is one of the [STRIKE]bestr[/STRIKE] best films about revenge [STRIKE]-films[/STRIKE] [STRIKE]which[/STRIKE] [that] I have seen, so I can't wait to see "Nobody".

See my corrections above.
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I have been learning English since early morning and I'm exhausted now. A week before I was running every other day but from Thursday I run three tunes a week because if I run more than that I don't have enough energy to intellectual activities such as learning English. The longest distance I have run in my life is twenty-one kilometres.
I have been [STRIKE]learning[/STRIKE] studying English since early morning and I'm exhausted now. A week [STRIKE]before[/STRIKE] ago, I was running every other day but from Thursday I will run three [STRIKE]tunes[/STRIKE] times a week. [STRIKE]because[/STRIKE] If I run more than that, I [STRIKE]don't[/STRIKE] won't have enough energy [STRIKE]to[/STRIKE] for intellectual activities such as learning English. The longest distance I have run in my life is twenty-one kilometres.

See above.
I have been [STRIKE]learning[/STRIKE] studying English since early morning and I'm exhausted now. A week [STRIKE]before [/STRIKE] ago,I was running every other day. But from (since) Thursday, I [STRIKE]run[/STRIKE] have been running three times a week because, if I run more than that, I don't have enough energy [STRIKE]to[/STRIKE] for intellectual activities such as learning English. The longest distance I have run in my life is twenty-one kilometres.

See my corrections above. Do not cram too many things in a sentence. It better to start a new sentence.

*cross-posted with emsr2d2's post. I thought Thursday was in the past.
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See my corrections above. Do not cram too many things in a sentence. It better to start a new sentence.

*cross-posted with emsr2d2's post. I thought Thursday was in the past.


You're right, Thursday was in the past. Thank you.

You're right, Thursday was in the past. Thank you.

If you're talking about the Thursday that was ten days ago, use "... but since last Thursday, I have been running three times a week". However, if you're referring to the last Thursday that happened (Thurs 15 April), which was only two days before you wrote your post, it's too early to say that. If you ran on Thursday, you're next due to run on Sunday (today) so writing a post on Saturday (yesterday) doesn't really warrant the use of the present perfect continuous. I don't really think you need to mention days at all. I'd say something like "... but I recently decided that I will run only three times a week".
No, I'm not talking about Thursady that was ten days ago, but the last Thursday.

"but I recently decided that I will run only three times a week" - sounds perfect. Thank you.

Last evening I watched film "Joyride" for the first time of my life. Some people say that "Joyride" is a modern mix of "The Hitcher" from 1986 and "Duel" from 1971. I don't agree with that, although you can see a truck in "Joyride" which can remind a truck from "Duel" but a track and a psychopath sitting behind the wheel is not enough to compare these film with each other. If you asked me about "The Hitcher", I will have to admit that I was totally admiring this film when I was a teenager. The hero called John Ryder who was played by Rutger Hauer is one of the best psychopath's character in the history of the cinema. "Duel" is also good, but doesn't have the atmosphere which "The Hitcher" has. The most interesting thing in this film is that John Ryger has been trying through the whole film that his victim became more stronger and resistant. Behind all these murders and chases we have an attempt to transform a weak person into a strong one, which has been achived at the end of the film by the way. "Joyride" was enjoyable but doesn't have any deep psychological background, which is not an accusation because some film has just been made to be enjoyable and nothing more.
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No, I'm not talking about the Thursday that was ten days ago, but the last Thursday.

"but I recently decided that I will run only three times a week" - sounds perfect. Thank you.

[STRIKE]Last[/STRIKE] Yesterday evening, I watched the film "Joyride" for the first time [STRIKE]of[/STRIKE] in my life. Note that you don't need "in my life" at all. Just say you watched it for the first time.

Some people say that "Joyride" is a modern mix of "The Hitcher" from 1986 and "Duel" from 1971.

I don't agree with that. [STRIKE]although[/STRIKE] Even though [STRIKE]you can see[/STRIKE] there is a truck in "Joyride" [STRIKE]which[/STRIKE] that [STRIKE]can[/STRIKE] might remind people/viewers of [STRIKE]a[/STRIKE] the truck from "Duel", [STRIKE]but[/STRIKE] a truck [STRIKE]and[/STRIKE] with a psychopath sitting behind the wheel is not enough to compare these films with each other.

If you asked me about "The Hitcher", I [STRIKE]will[/STRIKE] would have to admit that I [STRIKE]was totally admiring[/STRIKE] liked/loved/adored this film when I was a teenager.

The hero, [STRIKE]called[/STRIKE] John Ryder, who was played by Rutger Hauer is one of the best [STRIKE]psychopath's character[/STRIKE] psychopaths in the history of [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] cinema.

"Duel" is also good, but it doesn't have the atmosphere [STRIKE]which[/STRIKE] [that] "The Hitcher" has.

The most interesting thing [STRIKE]in[/STRIKE] about [STRIKE]this film[/STRIKE] "The Hitcher" is that John Ryder [STRIKE]has been trying[/STRIKE] tries throughout the whole film [STRIKE]that[/STRIKE] to make his victim [STRIKE]became[/STRIKE] more stronger and resistant. I don't think "resistant" is the right word here. Can you explain it in a different way?

Behind all these murders and chases [STRIKE]we have[/STRIKE] is an attempt to transform a weak person into a strong one, which [STRIKE]has been[/STRIKE] is achieved [STRIKE]at[/STRIKE] by the end of the film. [STRIKE]by the way.[/STRIKE]

"Joyride" was enjoyable but doesn't have [STRIKE]any[/STRIKE] a deep psychological [STRIKE]background[/STRIKE] plot/storyline.

[STRIKE]which[/STRIKE] This is not [STRIKE]an accusation[/STRIKE] a criticism [STRIKE]because[/STRIKE] - some films [STRIKE]has[/STRIKE] are just [STRIKE]been[/STRIKE] made to be enjoyable and nothing more.

See my corrections (in red) and comments (in blue) above.

This thread is becoming unmanageably long. Please start a new thread for each new "diary entry". Use the opening five or six words of the entry as your title each time.
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