Would you mind helping me to check out these three sentences? Thank you.

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Mar 17, 2012
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There was no doubt that his essay was outstanding and he finally got a chance to relax. However, the next day, he died due to overwork. If he tried to take a rest while completing his essay, I think he would not die.
There was no doubt that his essay was outstanding and he finally got a chance to relax. However, the next day, he died due to overwork. If he had tried to [STRIKE]take a[/STRIKE] rest while completing his essay, I think he would not have died.

WOW!:shock: I will never write another essay.
Thank you.
Haha, here I mean he overworked so that he died. It's possible if you work for a long time without a rest.
WOW!:shock: I will never write another essay.
Just asking - how do you try to take a rest? (unless, of course, someone or something is trying to disturb you - example He tried to take a rest, but the flickering light prevented him.).

Incidentally, this and your similarly-titled other post make the same mistake; you are not asking us to help you [to] correct your sentences - in that case you'd be correcting them with our help. You are asking us to correct them (and by doing that we will have helped you).

Sorry, I don't get it.
Of course, you guys helped me a lot to realize some mistakes I made.
But did I bother you for asking the same questions?
Just asking - how do you try to take a rest? (unless, of course, someone or something is trying to disturb you - example He tried to take a rest, but the flickering light prevented him.).

Incidentally, this and your similarly-titled other post make the same mistake; you are not asking us to help you [to] correct your sentences - in that case you'd be correcting them with our help. You are asking us to correct them (and by doing that we will have helped you).

Sorry, I don't get it.
Of course, you guys helped me a lot to realize some mistakes I made.
But did I bother you for asking the same questions?

No problem :up: ;-) I was simply saying that your use of 'help to' was wrong - obviously not simply enough ;-)

You want to say 'Please help me by correcting...'. If you say 'Please help me to <verb>' then you are doing <verb> and you just want 'another pair of hands' - for example 'Please help me to move this paving slab'.

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