Would "Judy and you" like to come to the movie with us?


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Dec 30, 2006
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Would Judy and you like to come to the movie with us? (My bold.)
Source: https://www.amazon.com/English-Grammar-Second-Student-Textbook/dp/0133683176

Can I say "you and Judy" instead of "Judy and you" in the above quotation?

When more than one personal pronoun is used with a verb, the order is normally: 3rd or 2nd person before 1st person; 2nd person before 3rd person.
She and I do not get on very well.
You and he should buy the boat between you.

https://grammar.collinsdictionary.com/easy-learning/what-is-the-order-of-the-pronouns-when-more-than-one-personal-pronoun-is-used-with-a-verb-in-english#:~:text=Easy Learning Grammar-,When more than one personal pronoun is used with a,not get on very well.
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75. Order of Pronouns.--When a personal pronoun is used with other personal pronouns or nouns in a series, the pronoun of the first person always comes last.
(1) Tom, Harry, and I went in together.
(2) You, he, and I are to be invited, or He, you, and I are to be invited.

Source: The Elements of English Grammar - page 74.
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Do you want me to read that?
No. It was published in 1908.
That's decades before I was born. Also, rather than consult a grammar book, if you have a question you can just ask me. 😊

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