word identification: saw it ravished (?)

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Mar 31, 2014
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Could you help me again figure out what the guy in the straw hat says exactly about 2:34 of this video (in case my link doesn't skip automatically to that point): http://youtu.be/KaBnmSyNxHE?t=2m34s

I really struggle to understand only one phrase...
"We have peace with it, or we wouldn't be doing it.
(You know) we really saw it ravished from God ?"

Is this really what he said?
Hello, sufler.:-D
Please let me try.

It sounds like "(You know) We rea..?? sought direction from God." to me. I'm not confident, though.:oops:

Let's wait for native speakers' comments.
Thank you, that's very possible!
Actually it also went through my mind that he may be saying "direction", because that would make sense,
But later on I rejected that idea, since I couldn't really recognize the full shape of the word in that man's speech.
It's like he was pronouncing right only the beginning "dire-" then puts something like "-sh-" and suddenly moves on to the word "from".

Were you able to catch the ending of the word "direction" clearly?
Is it only me having trouble with that?
Hello, again.

Around 2:00, the narrator says, "[...] asking God whether or not they should participate."
It was a big clue, actually.:-D
Thank you, that's very possible!
Actually it also went through my mind that he may be saying "direction", because that would make sense,
But later on I rejected that idea, since I couldn't really recognize the full shape of the word in that man's speech.
It's like he was pronouncing right only the beginning "dire-" then puts something like "-sh-" and suddenly moves on to the word "from".

Were you able to catch the ending of the word "direction" clearly?
Is it only me having trouble with that?

No, I wasn't. The clue was around 2:00.:-D
I agree with you on his pronunciation of "direction".
He has an interesting manner of speaking. Apparently, their first language is a Dutch-German dialect, which I reckon explains why they sound Western European. I can tell he's a little self-conscious, as are most folks giving a televised interview for the first time. He changes his mind in the middle of saying some things and garbles some words. It's not grammatically correct, but here it is:

"We have peace with it or we wouldn't be doing it. You know, we really sought direction from God and if we wouldn't have got....uh....if we wouldn't feel it would be OK with him, we wouldn't be doing it."

Trust your instincts, tzfujimino.
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So, tzfujimino, it seems you were right! Congratulations, way to go :D

@SlickVic9000 thanks for help and for the decisive opinion.
I agree with you, his manner of speaking is very unusual. To me, as a non-native speaker it seems a coarser "version" of English.
He pronounces some words very clearly and distinctly while oddly shortening and deformating others.
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