with a gunshot wound...Patrick's body

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Sep 30, 2019
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I need a verb to complete this sentence:

With a gunshot wound........Patrick's body, all he could think about was his mother.

Can I use "assail"? What other choices do I have?
Is Patrick he?

With a gunshot wound to his body, all Patrick could think about was his mother.
Thank you but I want to learn a verb that can be used there.
How about:

With a gunshot wound sustained to Patrick's body, all he could think about was his mother.
Most of the examples there are of people sustaining wounds to their body,
That's similar to what I wrote.
Even if you wasted your time trying to find an exact match it would still be unnatural and unhelpful to the OP.
Even if you wasted your time trying to find an exact match it would still be unnatural and unhelpful to the OP.
Does that mean the sentences in the link are also unnatural?
Be assured that yours is.

I’m not going to read through all those.
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