while seeking for...

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Mar 12, 2022
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"..... it was senseless to continue living a hermit's life while seeking for a quick fortune." (Source: https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/seek - under the "Examples" section)

Is it only for some situations that "seek" needs a preposition like for or out? I thought a preposition is not allowed after "seek".
This is explained here: "Both terms “seek” and “seek for” are correct, and there is no difference in meaning. Including the preposition “for” at the end is mainly a British English trend, but there is evidence that it was once more widespread than it is today."
Is it only for some situations that "seek" needs a preposition like for or out? I thought a preposition is not allowed after "seek".
I would not use "for". See the ngram below.

However, "seek out" is used.
Oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com has this entry under 'seek': 'seek for something/somebody (British English): They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter.'.
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