which made the rat not immune to Invading antigens are rejected

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Feb 19, 2016
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30 years later, scholars Kaplan and Streilein found through observation that after injecting allogeneic lymphocytes into the anterior chamber of the rat, a non-classical immune response occurred, which made the rat not immune to Invading antigens are rejected.
Source: Healthy Lifestyle

Is "which made the rat not immune to Invading antigens are rejected" grammatical?
No, it isn't.

which made the rat not immune to Invading antigens are rejected.
I think they meant: ...which made the rat not immune to Invading antigens. It's probably supposed to mean that the invading antigens could not be rejected.
As stated in another post quoting that source, it's either written by non-native English speakers or has translation errors..
A lot of us would be surprised to learn that rats have anterior chambers.
Their anterior chambers are the ones directly in front of their posterior chambers.
Hope that helps.
No, but it's humorous (mildly).

Rats are mammals. They don't have chambers. They probably injected the rats into their hindquarters. (I'm sure the rats didn't volunteer for that.)
"Infusions of balanced salt solutions (BSS) into the eye ...."

It has to do with what goes on inside the eye of a rat.
How about rewording it as follows:

30 years later, scholars Kaplan and Streilein found through observation that after injecting allogeneic lymphocytes into the anterior chamber of the rat, a non-classical immune response occurred, which disprove the presumption that the rat was not immune to Invading antigens are rejected.
A lot of us would be surprised to learn that rats have anterior chambers.
Just take a look into the eyes of a rat and find them out.

Just take a look into the eyes of a rat and see them.

I haven't changed my opinion. Those chambers are in the rat's eyes (presumably), not in the rat itself. Similarly, we say the heart has chambers, but we don't say people have chambers.
which disprove the presumption that the rat was not immune to Invading antigens are rejected.
I haven't followed. Why do you say there was such a presumption?
I haven't followed. Why do you say there was such a presumption?
That was what the researchers thought before their test proved otherwise.
Where can we read that?
I think they meant: ...which made the rat not immune to Invading antigens.
Reading my earlier post again, I'm not sure I'm right. The original says an immune response (though non-classical) did occur.

Unfortunately my anti-virus software flags that link as leading to a suspicious site.
Where can we read that?
which made the rat not immune to Invading antigens are rejected.

I take it that the underlined part is a hypothesis/presumption which was being tested. If not, what is it?
If not, what is it?
It might be a result of the non-classical immune response, or a finding of those scientists after injecting lymphocytes into the rat.

Perhaps you're right and it is a presumption, but I'm not sure that's obvious from those words.

If Good Taste can give us a couple of sentences from before and after that one, it might help.
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