Whether it’s George A Romero’s classics like Night of the Living Dead

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Apr 18, 2016
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What is a “zombie business” and why is it important?

Whether it’s George A Romero’s classics like Night of the Living Dead; Simon Pegg’s still funny Shaun of the Dead; the bleakly compelling Walking Dead and now The Dead Don’t Die – a comedy with Bill Murray and Adam Driver that has opened the Cannes Film Festival this week.

Source: https://www.businessrescueexpert.co.uk/the-walking-dead-businesses/

What does "it" refer to?
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It refers back to the most recent noun - "a zombie business".

Did you intend to ask about "it's", which appears in your thread title, rather than the word "it" which appears only in the opening question in the quote?
Did you intend to ask about "it's", which appears in your thread title, rather than the word "it" which appears only in the opening question in the quote?
I'm sorry.
I intended to ask about the "it" in "it's".
The first paragraph is not even a sentence. It's just a subordinate clause and so expresses an incomplete thought.

It's a dummy "it".

I think that's probably right but since the thought is incomplete, there's a possibility it may have been at least vaguely connected to a real referent at some point in the writing process. I think this is poor writing that needn't be analysed.
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