Where was the latest party

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Apr 12, 2015
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1) Where was the latest party held?
2) Where did the latest party happen?

Do these sentences convey the same meaning? Why do we use 3rd form of verb in 1st sentence?
1) Where was the latest party held?
2) Where did the latest party happen?

Do these sentences convey the same meaning? Why do we use the 3rd form of the verb in the 1st first sentence?
The answer elicited would be the same so, to a certain extent, you can say they convey the same meaning. They don't have identical meanings though. This will always be the case when you change something as crucial as a verb.
A simpler question would be "Where was the latest party?" (Of course, all three assume that the listener knows what this "latest party" actually is.)

What verb form would you suggest in the first sentence?
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