When/While I washed the cat, it ran off into the bushes in disgust.


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Dec 30, 2006
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When I washed the cat, it ran off into the bushes in disgust. (My bold.)
Source: Ting-chi Tang, A Guide to Teaching Junior High School English.

Can I use "while" instead of "when" in the above sentence?
No, but you could say "While I was washing the cat, it ran off.".
What's the difference in meaning between the sentences below?
1. When I washed the cat, it ran off.
2. When I was washing the cat, it ran off.
3. While I was washing the cat, it ran off.
There's no practical difference between them. #2-3 allow for the possibility that you were part way through the process of washing when the cat ran off.
#1 allows for the possibility that the cat ran off as soon as you started.
1. When I washed the cat, it ran off.
Can version #1 in post #3 have the following meaning:

As soon as I finished washing the cat, it ran off.
Can version #1 in post #3 have the following meaning:
As soon as I finished washing the cat, it ran off.
No. When I had washed the cat, it ran off.

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