When to use present perfect, past perfect and simple past while telling a story?


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Nov 1, 2023
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I'm trying to write my story in English. I would really appreciate if someone help me to understand when to use present perfect, past perfect and past simple once and for all. In the sentences bellow all of the experiences had happened in the past, they are not happening anymore (only the number 9 is conected with this moment), but in many cases there isn't a "finished time" word in the sentence and that really confuses me. You don't need to give an answer to each sentence if you don't want to, but I want to understand when to use each tense when I'm writing my past experiences.

"As I reached my teenage years (1), I began to question my beliefs (2). Something didn't seem to fit. I found myself wondering (3), 'Who is God? Why am I here?' "

"For many years, I had felt a deep angst (4) and a sense of not belonging to this reality. Nothing seemed to make sense, and I had no desire to be a part of this dimension. This dark night seemed endless, and for too long, I had wondered what was happening to me (5), why I was feeling this way, and when this angst would come to an end. I had searched for answers in books (6), religions, psychology, spiritual groups."

"But there was a feeling, a knowingness deep down that had kept saying (7): 'There's much more than what you've been taught (8). Look inside; the answer is within you.' And so, It was this feeling that has led me here to this moment (9)."
I would say:

I'm writing a story in English.

But I probably wouldn't say that. Why? The sentence itself is in English. Also, no other language has been mentioned.


I really would appreciate it if someone would tell me when to use present perfect, past perfect, and simple once and for all.

It depends on how you want to tell your story. There is no "once and for all". Sorry.

I've read some of it, and so far it looks pretty good to me.

Added: You don't write your experiences. You write about them.
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All experiences have happened in the past.
I would say:

It was this feeling that has led me to this moment.

There is no need for "here" in my humble opinion.
About this part: "But there was a feeling, a knowingness deep down that had kept saying"
Is there a better way to say "had kept"?
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If you had this feeling before your teens, then 'had kept saying' is fine, though you might consider 'nagging'. If the feeling came with your teens, then omit the 'had'.
About this part: "But there was a feeling, a knowingness deep down that had kept saying"
Is there a better way to say "had kept"?
Two things. One, the question should be: "Is there a better way to express that thought?" Two, I guess what you really mean is should you use "had kept" at all. (I don't think so.)

All of that is yours, right?

That sentence is incomplete.

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