When I was a kid my father always read me books before bed.

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Oct 1, 2022
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Do these three sentences have the same meaning? If not, what's the difference?

1. When I was a kid my father always read me books before bed.
2. When I was a kid my father would read me books before bed.
3. When I was a kid my father would always read me books before bed.

Many thanks in advance.
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#1 and #3 mean much the same as each other. #2 has lost the idea of "always" so it just suggests he did it sometimes, not every night.

You need a comma after "kid" in all three. Also, he probably only read to you from one book each night so I'd say "read me a book" or just "read to me".
#1 and #3 mean much the same as each other. #2 has lost the idea of "always" so it just suggests he did it sometimes, not every night.

You need a comma after "kid" in all three. Also, he probably only read to you from one book each night so I'd say "read me a book" or just "read to me".
Thanks. Was really helpful.I learned more than I expected.
Thanks. Your response was really helpful. space after a full stop I learned more than I expected.
Note my changes above. In future, there is no need to write a new post to thank anyone. Simply add the "Thank" icon, found by hovering your cursor over the "Like" button.
Ebrahim, please note that I've changed your thread title.

Titles must contain some or all of the words/phrases you are asking about.
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