when a person does physical work at a company/factory

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Sep 30, 2019
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I want to say a person does physical work at a company/factory. For example, they move things around.

I thought about saying this:

He is worker at a steel company.

What does worker exactly connote? Is it too general? Could it mean that the person sits behind a computer and types letters or he might do physical work?

What about this?

He is blue-collar worker at a steel company.
I want to say a person does physical work at a company/factory. For example, they move things around.

I thought about saying this:

He is worker at a steel company.

What does worker exactly connote? Is it too general? Could it mean that the person sits behind a computer and types letters or he might do physical work?


What about this?

He is blue-collar worker at a steel company.

Yes, that narrows it down some.
You could also say he's a steelworker.
He's a laborer.
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