What's the rate between Aus dollars and Chinese yuan?


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Aug 8, 2010
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I met a woman who just came back from Australia tonight in my English club. During our conversation, I asked her the question "What's the rate between Aus dollars and Chinese yuan?" and she said "1:4". This means "one Australian dollar is equal to four Chinese yuan". Is my italic question natural? How would you usually ask the question when you want to travel to another country?
What's the rate of exchange between yuans and Australian dollars?
I'd ask "What's the exchange rate between X and Y'?
I'd ask "What's the exchange rate between X and Y'?
Much appreciated, Skrej.

Since my English is really poor and I usually write down what teachers say here in my notebook. Could you please be more specific? When you said X and Y, did you mean country or money?

a) What’s the exchange rate between Australia and China?
b) What’s the exchange rate between Chinese yuan and Aus dollars?
c) ……

Could you please help me with a whole expression?

Much appreciated.
You're talking about currencies, not countries.

What's the exchange rate for Australian dollars to Chinese yuan?
I didn't bother with "Chinese" because I didn't think it was necessary. As for "Australian dollars" several countries use dollars.

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