What word do you think is the hardest to pronounce???

  • Thread starter Ramid
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Well, I can think of only two words at this moment... "Citizenship" and "Description"...But I know there's ton of words that I can't even pronounce...
Now I know where did Latoof brought this subject from? You inspired her. Well, I think one of the hardest words that is pretty difficult to pronounce is "concentration" I might get used to it if I say it between me and myself, but when I come to talk with a teacher and the word shows, I redden cause I struggle to pronounce it.
I used to find a diffeculty in pronuncing the word QUESTION! Can you beleive it! Then I found it very easy. The most diffecult word to pronunce is the word refrigerator. I just asked the teacher an hour ago to correct the way I transcriped it in. Is not it the most diffecult word ever?;-)
Until now, I remembered a word that was and still so difficult for me to pronounce. Once, in my reading class, the teacher asked me to read the text, and in it there was that word that I hated at that moment. THe word was "Sensitivity", while I was reading, I thought it would be very easy cause I used to descripe myself as a sensitive person and used to write it in many of my writings, but when I saw the ending of the word, I felt helpless to read it. The teacher tried to help me with it, but I gave up all the attempts.

Do you really think Sensitivity is a hard word to pronounce?
Reemani said:
Until now, I remembered a word that was and still so difficult for me to pronounce. Once, in my reading class, the teacher asked me to read the text, and in it there was that word that I hated at that moment. THe word was "Sensitivity", while I was reading, I thought it would be very easy cause I used to descripe myself as a sensitive person and used to write it in many of my writings, but when I saw the ending of the word, I felt helpless to read it. The teacher tried to help me with it, but I gave up all the attempts.

Do you really think Sensitivity is a hard word to pronounce?

It doesn't cause me any difficulty, but I am a native speaker. How about this baby: phthisis. Many speakers find 'squirrelling' particularly difficult. ;-)
tdol said:
It doesn't cause me any difficulty, but I am a native speaker. How about this baby: phthisis. Many speakers find 'squirrelling' particularly difficult. ;-)

Why not call it TB?

Try to say yellow leather in a hurry;-)
I struggle with 'there's a thesaurus'. ;-)
tdol said:
I struggle with 'there's a thesaurus'. ;-)

Do I see a sense of humor? Without kidding - bubble gum in both cheeks can make things easier, students are too busy fighting the gum to twist their tongues into contortions
I'll go to the sweet shop immediately. ;-)
Nothing is difficult if you try your best, I think.I remeber that last year,September, I have a oral English match.During that time, I try my best to practice my pronunciation.At last,I got the success. So far, I haven't found one.;-)
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K.Margaret said:
Nothing is difficult if you try your best, I think.I remeber that last year,September, I have a oral English match.During that time, I try my best to practice my pronunciation.At last,I got the success. So far, I haven't found one.;-)

Nothing diffecult even from the past?
Reply to Latoof: My English is so-so, but your words remind me. I remeber that at past I can't differentiate the " born" and the " bone".How about you?;-)
I was suffering because of the word question as I said before. The problem was because of the s sound followed by the ch one. Now I am suffering because of the words burn and born, effect and affect... It is all about similar sounds pronunciation. ;-)
Well, I have the same problem here. Somehow I find "treat" is one of the words in my "Hard To Pronounce Dictionary". Coz I think treat and Cheat sound kinda similar~
And I used to have difficulties with pronouncing "Train" and "trade".

P.S. I guess TR sound is still hard for me to pronounce.
effect and affect- they basically sound the same. ;-)
Affect's a verb. ;-)
Yeah I remembered a word that a lot of us in the class struggled to get it tight. That was the word Chemistry. Some of us pronunced it with K and others with ch. I needed a time to stop this confusion.;-)
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