What is the global period for a surgery?

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Feb 4, 2014
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Could you please answer this question?

Is it correct to ask an insurance representative the following?

1) What is the global period for a surgery?

2) How long is the global period for a surgery?

3) How many days long is the global period for a surgery?
I suppose you can ask your insurance rep anything you want to ask. What the heck is a global period, and what does it have to do with surgery?
Are you asking about date limits?
I suppose you can ask your insurance rep anything you want to ask. What the heck is a global period, and what does it have to do with surgery?

A "Global period" means a period of time after a surgery during which the payment for all other services(like office visit) are included in the payment for that surgery.
A "Global period" means a period of time after a surgery during which the payment for all other services(like office visit) are included in the payment for that surgery.
Tufguy, if you want to get answers to your questions, follow the instructions the volunteers here given you. I've marked an error that I've mentioned when I deleted a couple of your recent threads above.

Fix the error in a new post if you want this thread to stay open.
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A "Global period" means a period of time after a surgery during which the payment for all other services(like office visit) are included in the payment for that surgery.

It is not "office visit"; it is for post-operation consultation. A layman would not know what a "global period" is.
Tufguy, if you want to get answers to your questions, follow the instructions the volunteers here give you. I've marked an error that I've mentioned when I deleted a couple of your recent threads above.

Fix the error in a new post if you want this thread to stay open.

A "Global period" means a period of time after a surgery during which the payment for all the other services are included in the payment for that surgery.

Sorry, I am confused. Have I corrected it? Could you please tell me what the mistake was so that I can correct it?
The mistake was quite clearly marked in red. You did not put a space before an opening bracket.

Also, "like office visit" is wrong. You need either an article or the plural.
The mistake was quite clearly marked in red. You did not put a space before an opening bracket.

Also, "like office visit" is wrong. You need either an article or the plural.

What should be the correct sentence? Please correct my sentence.

A global period is a period of time after a surgery during which the payment for all other services. (like office visits) are included in the payments for that surgery.

I think that because the post op consultation probably occurs in a doctor's office you can call it an office visit.
The doctor's place of consultation is called a clinic, where I come from.
In the UK, the place where General Practitioners work is called a surgery. Within that surgery, there are various consulting rooms. At a hospital, the doctors (surgeons, consultants, registrars etc) work in a consulting room (or in an operating theatre for surgeons).

One of my relatives has a lung problem. If she feels unwell, she makes an appointment at her local doctor's surgery and visits her doctor in his/her consulting room. If the doctor deems it necessary, he/she refers the patient to a specialist at the local hospital. On the day of the hospital appointment, my relative visits the pulmonary unit/floor where (usually) there is a "lung clinic" being run. She then sees one of the specialists in a consulting room.

A global period is a period of time after a surgery during which the payment for all other services. (like office visits) are included in the payments for that surgery.

I think that because the post op consultation probably occurs in a doctor's office you can call it an office visit.

So, are these the correct questions to ask?

1) What is the global period for a surgery?

2) How long is the global period for a surgery?

3) How many days long is the global period for a surgery?
In the UK, the place where General Practitioners work is called a surgery.

That's not the usage on this side of the pond. Over here the term General Practitioner has largely faded from use. We call them family doctors now, and they work not in a surgery but in a clinic or a medical office. A surgery is not a place but a surgical operation. We usually refer to a surgery simply as an operation, or as surgery with no article, but the form "a surgery" is occasionally heard.
So, are these the correct questions to ask?

1) What is the global period for a surgery?

2) How long is the global period for a surgery?

3) How many days long is the global period for a surgery?

I'm not sure what you mean by "correct" there. If it's something you want to know about then by all means ask your insurance rep.

Maybe what you mean is does it make sense? Now that I know what the terms mean I must say yes. Not only should you ask your insurance rep to explain anything you have questions about, but you should also ask that person to explain any terms you don't understand. (That's what they get paid for.)
I'm not sure what you mean by "correct" there. If it's something you want to know about then by all means ask your insurance rep.

Maybe what you mean is does it make sense? Now that I know what the terms mean I must say yes. Not only should you ask your insurance rep to explain anything you have questions about, but you should also ask that person to explain any terms you don't understand. (That's what they get paid for.)

Do these sentences make sense? Are they grammatical? Can they be understood by other person the way I would like them to be understood?
Do these sentences make sense? Are they grammatical? Can they be understood by the other person the way I would like them to be understood?

Three things. 1. Yes. Yes. Yes. 2. Didn't I answer your questions already? 3. Didn't you like my advice?
Three things. 1. Yes. Yes. Yes. 2. Didn't I answer your questions already? 3. Didn't you like my advice?

1) What is the global period for a surgery?

2) How long is the global period for a surgery?

3) How many days long is the global period for a surgery?

Actually, I was trying to ask whether "
What is the global period for a surgery?" has the same meaning as "How long is the global period for a surgery?" and "How many days long is the global period for a surgery?"?
No.3 is incorrect.
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