What is the difference between "vehicle" "outlet" and "avenue"?

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Jun 18, 2022
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According to Lexico Dictionary, the three words are defined as:

  1. Vehicle
a thing used to express, embody, or fulfill something:

Example: "I use paint as a vehicle for my ideas"

  1. Outlet
a means of expressing one's talents, energy, or emotions:

Example: "writing became the main outlet for his energies"

  1. Avenue
a way of approaching a problem or making progress toward something:

Example: "three possible avenues of research suggested themselves"

I'll try my best to state my intentions for asking this question: I came across these 3 words while reading some books and noticed that they seemingly have a similarity--that similarity being "a means of attaining something". I've asked some friends if my analysis is right; all of them say no. So I'm posting this question to get people's opinions on whether I am right on these 3 words sharing a similarity and if my analysis is also correct. If I'm wrong, tell me where my interpretation is wrong.
It's not that you're completely wrong but rather that what you're doing is useless and misguided. That's probably what your friends mean when they say your analysis isn't right.

A vehicle is a thing that takes you from point A to point B. Think of your car.

An outlet is a point where energy can escape from a closed system. Think of the exhaust pipe on your car.

An avenue is a route of passage via which you can get from point A to point B. Think of the street you're driving along in your car.

If you want to understand the meaning of a word, start with the most literal sense of the word and go from there.
"I use paint as a vehicle for my ideas".
"Vehicle" in the context of art is a medium of expression of ideas. feelings and emotions, like pen, pencil, charcoal, crayon, etc.
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