[Grammar] What is the correct word in the sentences?

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Nov 12, 2021
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Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Write the correct word(s) on the right.

1) The rain has only [STRIKE]already[/STRIKE] started. Hurry up! _______just?___________
2) She’ll be fine. I [STRIKE]like[/STRIKE], she always manage difficult situations well. ____???______________
3) I keep having [STRIKE]a trouble[/STRIKE] with my computer. I need some help._____problems?_____________
4) Why don’t you relax and try to forget your [STRIKE]trouble[/STRIKE]?______troubles_???___________

I've marked my incorrect answers in red color.
Could you please help me with this?
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Welcome to the forum. :hi:

Please tell us where you found that exercise. We need the source and author.
While we wait for your "source and author", please take another look at #2. Do you see more than one "mistake"? Check your source to see if you copied the sentence correctly.
Please correct the mistakes in these sentences.

That would be more polite.

When you are clearly talking about a color you don't need to use the word "color". For example:

The incorrect answers are in red.

Did you write those sentences?
Yoo-hoo, Sunnyday888! Where are you? We are ready to help you! ;-)
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