What is race?/What is a race?

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Rachel Adams

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Nov 4, 2018
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Why is the article omitted in the question: "what is race?" And when answering it should I omit it too? Should I use "the time when" with the article, "you do" or "you are doing" and "the best way" instead of "in the best way"?

"For me, a race is (the) time when you want to win and do/are doing everything in the best way that you can."

Why is the article omitted in the question: "what is race?"
Without the article we have the non-count noun that has to do with physical characteristics.

It has nothing to do with a running competition.
Then they have a mistake there and I should use "a race"
Not a teacher

No they don't. The question is not at the link you gave, so I tried "what is race" site:iteslj.org/ and it led me to a page with that question, and the "race" is used there in the uncountable meaning. No article is needed.
Not a teacher

No they didn't. The question is not at the link you gave, so I tried "what is race" site:iteslj.org/ and it led me to a page with that question, and the "race" is used there in the uncountable meaning. No article is needed.
As noted previously, "What is race?" is a different question than "What is a race?"
Rachel, why are you still answering the question 'what is a race? when the question is 'What is race?''
I have moved that follow-up question to its own thread because it had nothing to do with "What is race?" It was a question about a comment on a sentence in post #1 in the other thread (which also had nothing to do with the original question).
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