What is CELTA about?

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May 10, 2010
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Are there any requirements conserning teaching approaches applied during CELTA training?
CELTA syllabus assessment guidelines 2011 avaialble on Cambridge ESO site doen't say a word about practising various techniques apart from 'using appropriate strategies'.
In other words, is it all about PPP only, or does it depend on the CELTA centre policy which approach / method to train?
Are there any requirements conserning teaching approaches applied during CELTA training?
There is no formally prescribed teaching method as such, but trainees are unlikely to succeed if their teaching is not student-centred and communicative. It is possible to satisfy Cambridge requirents by using one or more of: Presentation-Practice-Production, Engage-Study-Activate, Test-Teach-Test, Task-Based Learning, etc. The assessors are interested mainly in the broad question, "Did learning take place?" in observed lessons. Trainee teachers need to demonstrate that their learners have been enabled to use language (at their level), not just passively receive instruction, and that the main skills, listening, reading, writing and speaking have been covered.
IMO, it's most unlikely for an unexperienced trainee teacher to come up with TBL or Test-Teach-Test if the whole course is based on PPP.
On the oth hand, with so few hours they may not have enough time to cover other approaches.
What I'd actually like to know is if there's a qualificaion or a course centered round Task-Based Learning with a focus on practice rather than theory.
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IMO, it's most unlikely for an unexperienced trainee teacher to come up with TBL or Test-Teach-Test if the whole course is based on PPP. '
Quite, but then not all courses use PPP.
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