What does it mean to live life in constant motion?

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Heidi L

Jan 27, 2014
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Does it mean that the person is living a "busy" life?
That seems like a reasonable understanding of an unusual sentence, yes. It suggests that the person never sits still.
In what context did you find the phrase, Heidi?
In what context did you find the phrase, Heidi?
Award-winning financial journalist, one-time television anchor and accomplished author, Betty Liu seems to live life in constant motion.
Award-winning financial journalist, one-time television anchor and accomplished author, Betty Liu seems to live life in constant motion.

Is that your sentence?
No, they were from an English-teaching magazine here in Taiwan - Studio Classroom.
Can you tell me which word can be deleted?
An award-winning financial journalist, one-time television anchor, and accomplished author, Betty Liu seems to live life in constant motion.

She never rests.
No. Seems.

An award-winning financial journalist, one-time television anchor, and best-selling author, Betty Liu lives life in constant motion.
I think that if you use the comma (before Betty Liu) you need the An.
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