What does it mean by 'To live vicariously through sb'?

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Mar 4, 2014
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What does it mean by 'To live vicariously through sb'?
I suggest you check your dictionary.
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Could you suggest me any dictionary for lookjng up this specific phrase?
Google the phrase.
What does [STRIKE]it mean by[/STRIKE] 'To live vicariously through [STRIKE]sb[/STRIKE] somebody' mean?

Note my corrections above. It's unusual to see "sb" used except in dictionary definitions. Your use of it suggests that you have already looked it up somewhere. Please don't use "sb" in your own writing. Googling the phrase will get you a faster response than asking here.

Memorise the construction "What does XXXX mean?" You'll be using it a lot on the forum.
Then, does the sentence “she enjoyed the wedding vicariously” mean that she enjoyed another person's wedding and she didn't experience it by herself?

I always surf the net for my questions and as the last resort, I ask my questions here. Thank you so much for your patience.
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Yes, but there's more to it. Another person's description of the wedding made it possible for her to enjoy it.
I was really confused. Now, I got it. :up:
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