What an ESL teacher needs for a home school? Please, help!!!

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Mar 29, 2013
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Dear colleagues,

Here is the deal. One of my friend who is a teacher too is about to start her home teacher’s business to teach English to little kids in her house (ESL education + a day care) with my participation. This business although being a trend in the country is rather new in our particular town. And we both are a little overwhelmed with what to get for a better teachers’ and students’ experience. So I would really appreciate if you could share your experience on arranging this kind of a home school. Like what is to be available in teaching rooms, which equipment is the most practical, what tools are indispensable for a home-based educator, which ESL books are considered the best in the industry or for you personally. Any contribution is appreciated as we want to start a perfect business to attract parents (clients) right at the outset. :)

Thanks for helping inexperienced teachers here!
Some dedicated space, a whiteboard/flipchart, a computer hooked up to the internet (preferably) and comfortable seating would be a good start.
Some dedicated space, a whiteboard/flipchart, a computer hooked up to the internet (preferably) and comfortable seating would be a good start.
Thanks, Tdol. Good points!
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