Wh-question with Present Perfect.

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Mar 29, 2010
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Russian Federation
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Russian Federation
I don't suppose there's anything wrong with the use of the Present Perfect in the question "Where have you found it?", is there?
I don't suppose there's anything wrong with the use of the Present Perfect in the question "Where have you found it?", is there?

I don't think there's any, the object "it" was found in the past but it is still relevant in the present and thus we can use the present perfect.
I don't suppose there's anything wrong with the use of the Present Perfect in the question "Where have you found it?", is there?
Yes, in general we would say "Where did you find it?"
It refers to the act of finding, not to the fact that it is presently found. The 'finding' occurred at a specific time and place in the past.

But there are a lot of contexts where the present perfect would be right, such as:
Have you found it yet?
The lost diamonds have finally been found. BUT Where were they found? NOT Where have they been found?

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