welcome to/on Avenue street

  • Thread starter allthewayanime
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Is it 'welcome to Avenue Street' or 'welcome on Avenue Street'?
It should be welcome to.
It's always "welcome to" when followed by something like this.

Welcome to London.
Welcome to Smithson Avenue.
Welcome to my world.
Welcome to Apple.
Welcome to KFC.
Welcome to your new home.
But "Avenue Street" is certainly a strange name for a street! Elm Street, Main Street, High Street, Adams Street, etc, but not Avenue Street.
Good point, though a quick try on Google Maps found me 5 instances of Street Road and 4 of Avenue Street.
In fact, I leave near a Street Road, but it was named for a person named Street. I have to say I'm quite surprised to find an Avenue Street.

Coincidentally, yesterday on FaceBook a British friend of mine was commenting on funny street names. Apparently there is a green, and therefore there is a Green Street, so it became called the Green Street Green. There is a road that runs along that other side of the green. It's called Green Street Green Road.

I wonder how many of those little forms with boxes for each letter actually have room for that one?
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