[General] We went to various restaurants.....

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Aug 8, 2010
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I was recalling my school life when I was a university student. At that time, I used every opportunity to improve my English skills because I like it so much. I remember I often asked my spoken English teachers who are native English speakers out for dinner. We went to various restaurants, ate different foods together and talked with each other.

Is my italic sentence natural?
I would consider food as singular, being uncountable.

Instead of "talked", I would say "engaged/mixed/interacted".
I would consider food as singular, being uncountable.
"We ate different foods together" is correct and natural. "Foods" is a shorter way to say "kinds of food". The singular would be hard to place in an appropriate context; the listener would want to know "different from what?" This isn't an issue with the plural because we understand that the speaker is referring to meals featuring different types of cuisine.
"We ate different foods together" is correct and natural. "Foods" is a shorter way to say "kinds of food". The singular would be hard to place in an appropriate context; the listener would want to know "different from what?" This isn't an issue with the plural because we understand that the speaker is referring to meals featuring different types of cuisine.

We went to various restaurants, ate different foods together and talked with each other.

Is the whole sentence natural?
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